Why Does Every Office Need LED lights?
Every office should have LED lights for a few very important reasons. In this blog we will discuss those reasons and how they impact business owners.

Major Benefits
LED lighting in the workplace promotes:
In today’s competitive business environment the right lighting solutions can have a crucial impact on the way employees think, feel, and work!
Why Should Every Office Make the Switch to LEDs?
Replacing office lighting with energy-efficient LEDs offers many benefits for organizations, companies, and small businesses, including increased savings, superior light quality, and reduced environmental impact. Lighting makes people feel things, so why not use LED lighting in an office space to make employees feel good?

LED Lights Offer Healthy Office Environment
Studies of lighting in the workplace have shown that daylight has positive effects on employees’ subjective well-being and that they prefer to work near windows or in workplaces with natural lighting. However, office work means that most employees spend time in environments where there is a need for artificial lighting for some or all of their work period. Where natural light is harder to come by, LED lighting solutions to offer benefits in both sustainability and well-being, using less energy and lasting longer than classic and fluorescent light features, while also most closely mimicking the quality of natural light.
It is crucial to observe that lighting that is adequate to perform the work task may not necessarily be sufficient for the mental and physical well-being of the employee. Of course, every employee is unique and the perception of the office lighting environment is subjective for every one of them. It depends on the employee’s emotional state, character, aesthetic feelings, needs, and habits. Therefore, appropriate office lighting means finding a balance between human needs and the company’s resources. Investing in the LED lighting working environment conditions will reflect in the efficiency of the employees’ work, and by that in company success.

LEDs are Best Lighting for Office With no Windows
The Colour Rendering Index (CRI) measures how closely an artificial light source mirrors the colour spectrum of natural light on a scale of 1-100. With Eco Origin LED lighting products having a CRI of 95 or above, they are ideal in offices with no windows and darker areas of the office like smaller meeting rooms and phone booths.
The colour temperature of office lighting is also an important factor when considering how each office space will be used. For reception areas, a great solution is warmer LED lights with a lower colour temperature, to provide a pleasant first impression. For meeting rooms, whiter light with higher colour temperature encourages more focused work and is best used to illuminate task-based areas.
Beyond being easier and safer for people to concentrate and work well, the ability to adapt to staff’s working patterns and preferences will allow for greater space efficiencies, improved productivity, and increased operational flexibility.

Investing in Home Office LED Lighting is Investment for Successful Business
For the past few decades, the advancement in information communication technology has changed the environment of offices around the world. It gave the possibility for employees to work from home office and be flexible. COVID-19 pandemic also had a big impact on increasing the need for remote working in many companies.
Supporting remote and flexible employees in their home office work environments is just as crucial as curating the right kind of workplace. Remote workers with offices in their homes, who feel that their employers are taking an active interest in their health by providing them with LED lights, are likely to experience greater work well-being and be more productive as a result.
LED lighting is a key part of an ergonomic home office set-up, in order to maximize the well-being benefits of LED lights, and minimize screen glare. Investing in the LED lighting and ergonomic infrastructure of companies’ workforce, wherever they’re based, is an investment in the future of successful business.

LED Lights in Office Increase Workplace Productivity
Two major focus areas essential to maximize employee productivity in the office are:
- Personal motivation and
- Suitable work environment
In an effort to motivate workers, companies have implemented a number of practices such as performance-based pay, employment security agreements, practices to help balance work and family, and others.
In addition to motivation, workers need a suitable work environment to be able to do their job effectively.
Creating a pleasant workplace environment, in which light plays a crucial role, is one of the most significant factors in maintaining employees. Uncomfortable working conditions can be a reason for an employee to leave a company, so it’s important to invest time and money in LED lighting design throughout an office. Many people prefer a bright and comfortable working environment when choosing a job where they spend most of the day inside, sometimes even at the cost of higher earnings. A conscious and focused approach to every room and task in the office is the only way to ensure maximum efficiency and productivity in the workplace.
Why is the Office Environment Directly Bound to the Way That People Feel and Work?
Let’s observe the fact that human beings are driven by their psyche. The psyche, conscious and even subconscious, is influenced by all aspects of the world around. Surroundings and interior design are directly linked to the way that people feel and work, as people spend so much time in their offices.
Employees in offices are working, on average, almost 2,000 hours a year, so the workspace environment has a big influence on their mental state. During work periods, employers want their workers to be driven and stimulated. In part, this is attributed to the way an office is illuminated.
LED Lights – a Great Productivity Formula
Closely linked to stimulating productivity in the office is the importance of using lighting to reflect the circadian lighting system. Natural light is the best way to promote positivity and efficiency in an office, but constant or suitable levels of natural light are not always available. That’s why artificial light that mimics the colour and organic change of natural light is such a valuable asset for an office.
LED lighting can mirror natural light in lots of ways to keep employees at their peak without disturbing natural body rhythm. Natural light makes people feel alert, reduces stress, and boosts happiness. LED lights are a great productivity formula that can be possible at just the flick of a switch.
High-efficiency lighting systems are those that consume less energy and last longer than conventional lighting systems. And for now, LED lights are the best high energy-efficient choice on the market.
Businesses are always looking for ways to cut their utility expenses and the running costs of LED lighting are significantly lower than conventional lighting forms.
A research report from 2016: Human responses to lighting based on LED lighting solutions have presented the results of a study of a varied purposive sample of over 100 LED lamps and luminaires for domestic, office and street lighting. It has been proved that “Compared to other existing lighting technologies, LEDs present valid energy-efficient options for lighting, and the quality and range of LED lighting has improved significantly over the last five years”.
The energy efficiency of LED lights is reflected in the following properties:
LED lighting can last up to 20 times longer than standard forms of lighting such as incandescent or halogen lamps. LED efficiency and length of life is better because the lamps waste very little energy on heat, concentrating electricity on the production of light.
The energy consumption of LEDs is low, operating with 12V. Low-voltage LED lighting draws less power than standard voltage, which means more savings for the office.
LED lights use at least 75% less energy than incandescent lighting, which doesn’t just have an impact on electricity consumption. It will reduce office carbon footprints as well as the physical waste produced from disposing of the bulbs themselves.

LED Efficiency Keeps Improving
Today, not only are LEDs growing in the lighting market, but their efficacy is also growing and improving every year. How is that possible when they are already so energy-efficient?
Energy efficiency in terms of LED lighting is the ratio of lumens (lm) emitted to the electrical power used to power the light source, or watts (W). To break that down a little further, efficacy deals with measuring how many lumens there are per watt. Measuring lumens per watt is important in the lighting industry, as it takes into account how much power is wasted generating heat and non-visible electromagnetic radiation instead of visible light. The more lumens per watt, the more light is being emitted.
Even though incandescent lights have been on the market for over 100 years, their efficacy has only improved from 1.5 lm/w to 1.6 lm/w. Where fluorescent tubes took 60 years to double in efficacy, LEDs took just a decade to improve over 10 times.
When high power white LEDs were first put on the commercial market in 1996, their efficacy was around 5 lm/w, still more than incandescent lighting today. Currently, many LED lights’ efficacy is ranging from 90 to 100 lm/w, and can now be commonly found and installed in homes and offices. LED lights with greater than 100 lm/w are being created and tested in labs today, continually improving on the efficacy of LED lighting!
How LED Offers the Biggest Return on Investment?
There is an interesting story published in The Washington Post about Jason Chroman, vice president of finance at a Silicon Valley start-up. Chroman moved with his family into a slightly bigger house in the suburbs than where they had lived before. Shortly, he finds out that the electric bill of the new house was 200% higher than in the old house. After a while, Chroman figured that the problem was in lighting: a new house had a lot of recessed lighting, all of which was incandescent. He calculated that by switching completely to LED lights, because of California’s high energy prices, he could recoup his costs in less than two months!
According to Forbes, US convenience store and gas station chain “Sheetz” has saved 45% on interior lighting, and as much as 55% on exterior lighting, by installing LED lights at more than 130 locations.

Green Office Practice With LED Lights
Not only do LEDs save money, but by reducing energy usage, they also help the environment. LED lights can help decrease environmental impact in a variety of ways:
By converting most of their energy to light, LEDs produce significantly less heat, which limits their impact on room temperature and decreases the demand for air conditioning.
Studies show that LED bulbs have a smaller overall environmental impact and emit less carbon dioxide emission, than either incandescent lights or compact fluorescent lights.
The energy consumption of LEDs is low, which is why they are also known as green-lighting technology. Less energy consumption means less power plant emissions. It also means a reduction in dependency on non-renewable sources of energy and their corresponding environmental degradation.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, carbon emissions, in the form of carbon dioxide, make up more than 80% of the greenhouse gases emitted in the United States. The release of these greenhouse gases traps solar energy in our atmosphere, causing a shift in weather patterns, water supplies, and temperature. Installing LED lights as a primary source of office illumination is one of the easiest and most effective steps making offices more energy efficient. Another important factor in the reduction of carbon footprint is: unlike traditionally used bulbs, LEDs are manufactured using recyclable materials.
Lighting is responsible for 6% of global CO2 emissions. By making a complete switch to LED lighting worldwide, it could keep 1,400 million tons of CO2 out of the air!
Offices that use LED lights will not have to worry about their LED lights going down for a long period of time. Eventually, when that happens, a great commercial will be for businesses to help the environment and show an eco-friendly attitude by recycling LED lights and calling others to join that good example.
Conclusion to why every office needs LED lights
The importance of proper working environment conditions as well as lighting design for visual comfort, safety, and health of the employees is crucial. Working environment factors impact employees’ health, safety, and well-being, therefore, there is a need for evaluation and improvement of working conditions to keep employees efficient and productive.
Installing LED lights in the office might seem expensive at first, but considering the energy, and cost efficiency factor, it will be worth the investment. Energy reduction in the workplace environment is a continuing challenge, and the lighting within offices is a major contributor to the energy demands of a company. Switching to LED lights will be a great improvement for the working environment and employees compared to flickering fluorescent lights. By understanding the needs of employees, and providing the most valuable lighting they need, productivity will increase, leading to a more successful company.
A report into the human responses to LED lighting solutions has concluded that the human reaction to light sources should be a primary factor in deciding to deploy them, not just efficiency or cost. LED lights focus on the users, increase their wellbeing and promote their health. It stimulates the human organism, increases cognitive performance, and creates an emotional quality and atmosphere in the office.